265 Cocktails And Flaming Twinkies @ The Desert Oasis Room

SQ DesertLounge
SQ DesertLounge

On our continuing mission to visit the home tiki bars of our friends/fans and listeners, we were cordially invited to The Desert Oasis Room.  The home tiki bar of Adrian Eustaquio.  And what a treat it was to experience Adrian's piece of paradise in his own home.  It is rare that you see so much craft and talent put into a home tiki bar but Adrian has truly created a Polynesian Pop paradise.  As if it couldn't get any better we were treated to the tasty house libation known as The Desert Oasis Cooler which was crafted by Ran Marsessco of the Sand Devils.  Sunshine had 5 or 6 of these during the podcast and a few after.  Great cocktail.  After a few great drinks we got out the plate of Twinkies and doused them in Lemon Hart 151 for the new treat sensation....Flaming Twinkies.  Don't try this without a fire extinguisher handy and no one under 21 please.  Click here to watch our video for a few more tips on the Flaming Twinkie.  While recording we welcomed Rory Snyder who puts on Tiki Caliente, Jeremy Fleener of the Tonga Hut and Al Knepper.  During the show we chatted about our favorite tiki bars, memories of now extinct Polynesian watering holes and a few other odds and ends.  Ending the show we give you a song form the Sand Devils, Crossing The Border.  Cheers and Mahalo