144 Hawaii is 50, Lets Head to the Islands

While Sunshine and Pumpkin both dread they day they turn 50, for a state like Hawaii it really is no big deal. In some ways it's hard to believe that Hawaii has been a state for only 50 years.  Regardless of age, the islands still lure millions of visitors to the tropical shores, luaus, national parks and endless sunsets with cocktails.  We talk about a few of our favorite memories, play a little luau music and drink quite possibly the largest blue hawaiian that Sunshine could mix up.  Be sure to pay attention to Pumpkins thoughts on how to avoid getting sick at an all you can eat/drink luau.  Other subjects this show include killer galaxy eaters, the Summer of Death, pharmaceutical company shenanigans, bad luck chain emails and much more.  And remember, if we aren't talking about something you want to hear about it's only because you didn't tell us what it was.  Email us Mail@zentikilounge.com