237 A Low Calorie Mai Tai For A New Year

After a few weeks off from the podcast Kalani and Sunshine are back at the bar and behind the microphone.  Feeling refreshed by the new year and the hope of things to come we start things off with a low calorie version of the famous Mai Tai.  And, we are very glad to say that this 180 cal version of the usual 300-500 calorie cocktail is damn good.  Other tiki friends are making promises to themselves to continue their own self improvement and we feel like joining in with some support and our own goals.  Kalani wants to stick to a healthier way of eating and some more exercise while Sunshine simply wants some muscles.  We can do it!  Join us at Tiki Caliente Calorie Countdown and share your story and support.  Speaking of Tiki Caliente, the fourth annual event is coming this May and we have plenty to say.  Also, listener mail, some odd spacey exotica and plenty of the shenanigans you always tune in for.  Plus a live version of Como Oye Va from The Revomatics at a recent show they did back home.  Happy New Year and Cheers! Mai Tai (Low Cal) But still great tasting!

1.5 ounces Fresh Lime Juice

1 ounce Aged Rum (Rhum Clement VSOP, Plantation Dark or Appleton)

1/2 ounce Pierre Ferrand, Senior Curacau or Bols Dry Orange

3/4 ounce Almond Liqueur or Hiram Walker Amaretto 50 proof

1 tsp of pure cane sugar syrup (Depaz is great)

Shake very well with ice and strain into a double old fashioned filled with crushed ice.  Garnish with lime wedge and mint sprig.  This recipe cuts the average mai tai from 420 calories down to 180.  The key to lowering calories in cocktails is simply removing the added sugar from juice and mixers.  This can be done by carefully mixing your base spirit (rum in this case) and liquors that have the flavors and nose you are looking for.   Try to find the Senior Curacao because it has a hint of spice in it that really works in a Mai Tai.  In this recipe, Orgeat is removed and an almond liquor used instead.  This cuts 45 calories from the drink.  TIP: combine multiple aged rums for more complex flavor. Cheers and Enjoy! (Update: 5/2/20 The original Trader Vic’s recipe clocks in at about 200 calories, just a little more depending on how well you follow the two syrup measurements. So of the many “original” mai tai claims, Vic comes in with the least calories)